PC World Komputer 1997 November
WWW Assistant.s
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264 lines
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Options):0:66
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Forward):0:1
Declare Sub Switchto(Source As Form, View As VIEW)
Declare Sub NewWinTitle
Declare Sub ClearVals
Declare Sub Pageswitch(Source As Form, Pagefrom As Long, Pageto As Long)
Declare Sub Switchfrom(Source As Form, View As VIEW)
Declare Sub SetPanel2
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Declarations):0:2
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:BindEvents:1:129
Private Sub BindEvents(Byval Objectname_ As String)
Static Source As FORM
Set Source = Bind(Objectname_)
On Event Switchto From Source Call Switchto
On Event Pageswitch From Source Call Pageswitch
On Event Switchfrom From Source Call Switchfrom
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Switchto:1:12
Sub Switchto(Source As Form, View As VIEW)
'This will set the window title of the dialogue box:
' CurrentApplication.visible = False
Dim Clearit(0) As String
Dim opendocs() As String 'Array of documents open
'Make sure the web assistant is the active view
'Go to the Web Assistant
'Duplicate - this is also in the open document event:
'Set CurrentWindow.Activeview =CurrentApplications.db2www.WWW~ Assistant
arycnt = 0
'Clear the values if this is the first time the assistant has been loaded
If gFlagLoaded = 0 Then
Call ClearVals
End If
'Make sure that all of the done buttons from panel 3 to 5 are blackened:
With CurrentDocument.WWW~ Assistant.body
.btnp3done.font.color.setrgb color_black
.btnp4done.font.color.setrgb color_black
.btnp5done.font.color.setrgb color_black
End With
'Temporary - for re-running and testing
'If gCurPage=0 Then
' gCurPage = 1
'End If
'Put the dialogue on the last panel used by user
On Error Resume Next
CurrentView.CurrentPageNum = gCurPage
CurrentDocument.Modified = False
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:NewWinTitle:1:8
Sub NewWinTitle
'Rename the window title for the dialogue so that it has the title we want instead of the apr file name
Dim activeWin As Integer, winTitle As String
activeWin% = GetActiveWindow()
winTitle$ = "DB2 Web Sizing Assistant"
SetWindowTextA activeWin%, winTitle$
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:ClearVals:1:8
Sub ClearVals
'Dim obtype As Long
Dim ClearIt(0) As String
Dim opendocs() As String 'Array of documents open
'blank out some values and set some default values
numrows = 0
c = 0
'Let's empty the listbox for opendocs
CurrentDocument.www~ assistant.body.lbopenapps.setlist(ClearIt)
CurrentDocument.www~ assistant.body.lbformsp2.setlist(ClearIt)
CurrentDocument.www~ assistant.body.lbReportsP2.setlist(ClearIt)
'**************There's currently a problem with accesssing all the objects on a multipage form, so we'll specify
'what we want cleared:
With CurrentDocument.WWW~ Assistant.body
.txtimagepath.text = "\images"
.txtmacropath.text = ""
.txtExeName.text = ""
'Let's set default values into the Step 3 screen:
.txtUserid.readonly = 0
.txtPswd.readonly = 0
.txtUserid.background.color.setrgb color_white
.txtPswd.background.color.setrgb color_white
.txtUserid.text = "userid"
.txtPswd.text = "password"
'Default values in panel 4:
.txtNumRows.text = "0" 'The number of rows to return in the report
'default values in panel 5:
.txtImagePath.text = "/images/"
.txtExeName.text = "/cgi-bin/db2www.exe"
End With
Redim opendocs( 0 To CurrentApplication.Documents.count-1)
i = 0
Forall documents In CurrentApplication.documents
'Let's not bother to include the Web Assistant apr - this is confusing to users
If Left$(Lcase$(CurrentApplication.documents(i).name),6) <> "db2www" Then
CurrentDocument.www~ assistant.body.lbopenapps.addlistitem(CurrentApplication.documents(i).name)
opendocs(arycnt) = CurrentApplication.documents(i).name
arycnt = arycnt + 1
End If
i = i + 1
End Forall
'********End of filling the listbox
On Error Goto NoIndex
CurrentDocument.www~ assistant.body.lbopenapps.text = opendocs(0)
'Indicate that we've cleared this once and not to do it again
gFlagLoaded = 1
If Error = "Subscript out of range" Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Pageswitch:1:12
Sub Pageswitch(Source As Form, Pagefrom As Long, Pageto As Long)
Dim Formselected As String, RptSelected As String
On Error Resume Next
Select Case CurrentView.currentpagenum
Case 1
MacName$ = "" 'Reset the macroname
Case 2
If CurrentDocument.www~ assistant.body.lbopenapps.text = "" Then
Messagebox "No Document Has Been Selected",, "Error"
CurrentView.currentpagenum = 1
Exit Sub
End If
If gPageLoaded = 0 Then
Call SetPanel2
End If
Case 3
Flag = 0
If MacName$ = "" Then
MacName$ = Mid$(currentapplication.documents(DocIndex).fullname, 1, Len(currentapplication.documents(DocIndex).fullname)-3) &"d2w"
End If
With CurrentDocument.WWW~ Assistant.body
rptAsForm = Val(.cbxRptAsForm.value)
If rptAsForm = 1 Then
FormSelected = .lbReportsP2.text
FormSelected = .lbformsP2.text
End If
RptSelected = .lbReportsP2.text
End With
If FormSelected = "" Then 'No Form was selected
Msgbox "You must select a form",, "No Form Selected"
CurrentView.currentpagenum = 2
End If
If RptSelected = "" Then 'No report was selected
Msgbox "You must select a Report",, "No Report Selected"
CurrentView.currentpagenum = 2
End If
CurrentDocument.www~ Assistant.body.txtMacName.text = MacName$
Case 4,5
If CurrentDocument.www~ Assistant.body.txtdbname.text = "" Then
Msgbox "Please fill in database name",, "Database name required"
Currentview.currentpagenum = 3
CurrentDocument.www~ Assistant.body.txtdbname.setfocus
End If
Macname$ = CurrentDocument.www~ assistant.body.txtMacName.text
End Select
If Flag = 1 Then
Messagebox "Please make new selections that have the same main table",,"New Selection"
End If
'Clear errors
Err = 0
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Switchfrom:1:12
Sub Switchfrom(Source As Form, View As VIEW)
Dim rval As Integer
'Check to see if we want to exit:
If currentwindow.activeview.name <> "WWW Assistant" And currentwindow.activeview.name <> "Web Background" And currentwindow.activeview.name <> "Warning Message Table"Then
Call QuitAssistant()
End If
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:SetPanel2:1:8
Sub SetPanel2
If CurrentView.currentpagenum = 2 Then
Dim FrmList() As String 'Array of forms in the view
Dim RptList() As String 'Array of reports in the view
Dim ClearIt(0) As String
Dim DocSelected As String
'Empty the listboxes so that they don't have old info in them
'CurrentApplication.db2www.www~ assistant.body.lbformsp2.setlist(ClearIt)
'CurrentApplication.db2www.www~ assistant.body.lbReportsP2.setlist(ClearIt)
'Put the user's selection in the global variable
DocSelected = CurrentDocument.www~ assistant.body.lbopenapps.text
DocIndex = GetDocIndex(DocSelected)
'Let's get the list of forms and reports from the selected document:
rvalForms = Getforms(DocIndex, frmlist)
rvalReports = GetRpts(DocIndex, rptlist)
'If there aren't any forms or reports found, then let the user know:
If rvalForms = 0 And rvalReports = 0 Then
Messagebox "No Reports or Forms found in the selected document" &_
Chr(10) & "Select another document", , "Error"
Exit Sub
End If
'Let's stick those lists in the corresponding list boxes
CurrentDocument.www~ assistant.body.lbformsp2.setlist(frmlist)
CurrentDocument.www~ assistant.body.lbReportsP2.setlist(Rptlist)
'Let's make the first item in each list the default value:
On Error Resume Next
CurrentDocument.www~ assistant.body.lbformsp2.text = FrmList(0)
CurrentDocument.www~ assistant.body.lbReportsP2.text = RptList(0)
gPageLoaded = 1
End If
End Sub